Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Directions for downloading accompanease software

Real Step #1 go to the following website: http://rms.biz/Documents/AE_Web/Acc_Download.html

Click on either the Windows version or the Mac version of Once Upon a Mattress

Run the file and follow the directions to finish the download. If you have questions, e-mail or text me.

After you've installed, launch the software.


1. Click either the 'Authenticate' button at program launch or the 'Authorize Full Version' button from the Trial player window.

2. Enter the *exact* following authentication details into the User Information screen:

Full name: Tim Rosenthal
Organization name: Beloit Turner High School
Title: Once Upon A Mattress
Email: TRosenthal@fjturner.k12.wi.us

(Answer "Yes" to the question: "Do you already have an Unlock Code?")

3. Click 'Okay.'

4. Copy and paste the following code into the Unlock Code screen:


5. Click 'Okay.' Your AccompanEase should now be fully unlocked.

Let me know if there are problems with these directions.

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